September is on it's way.
What September means to your dog.
Autumn is all about change. Leaves, schedules, activities... you name it. All summer long, most dogs enjoy a looser schedule with plenty of outside time. Now, days are shorter, temperatures are cooler.
Exercise, exercise, exercise. A tired dog makes for a happy family. During the summertime everyone enjoys a looser schedule and the calming affects of outdoor activities. Whenever possible make the time to continue your outdoor excursions as the chill of the season will actually exhilarate your dog.
Creative Isolation. When you leave the house, prepare an area in advance that is protected from temptations. If your dog has been accustomed to crating, reintroduce it if you’re concerned for his anxiety level. A crate is not a prison; it’s more like a cozy bedroom. Decorate it with a few favorite toys and a soft mat or blanket.
As the children are thinking of going back to school, it is a great time to enroll in a group dog training class or explore a new adventure with your dog such as agility or pet therapy! Dogs, like kids, are more content with stimulation and group interaction than isolation and boredom.